Management of Water Resources and Sanitation in Angola, Case Study Luanda Province, Period 2020-2022


  • OLIVIO SACAIA FERNANDO UMA-Universidade Metodista de Angola, ANGOLA


Water, Water Resources Management, Sanitation.


This research aimed to understand the Water Resources and Sanitation Management process, and specifically: understand the channels and methods used, verify the type of treatment given to water and waste before and after use, learn about the advantages of the water resources management model and French, Dutch, German Sanitation in relation to Angolan, identify the main problems and present proposals for solutions. The method used was explanatory research, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, bibliographic and documentary resources, limited to a case study. The results obtained were satisfactory since Luanda manages water resources by capturing water from the Zenza and Kwanza rivers, while more than 70% of the waste collected is not recycled. We present the idea of implementing the artificial river proposal - “Rio Luanda” Project, bringing to the interior of municipalities a body of water that is available for different uses, enhances urban space, tourism and shelters rainwater in cases of floods. Regarding sanitation, the need to build a new landfill in the South zone, the interconnection of macro-drainage ditches, the municipalization of the Water Resources and Sanitation Management Service with particular focus on the management of river basins, the use of effective management instruments in landfills, DCs and macro-drainage ditches is an objective to be achieved with the involvement of stakeholders.


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Decreto presidencial 196/12 de 30 de agosto - plano estratégico para gestão de resíduos urbanos - pesgru;

Decreto presidencial nº 107/16 de 20 de maio – regime jurídico da taxa dos serviços de limpeza;

Decreto presidencial 83/14 de 21 de abril – regulamento de abastecimento público de água e saneamento de águas residuais.



How to Cite

FERNANDO, O. S. . (2024). Management of Water Resources and Sanitation in Angola, Case Study Luanda Province, Period 2020-2022. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(3), 193–206. Retrieved from