Evaluation of the level of reimbursement of district development fund in Marracuene


  • Márcia Paulino Chirrime Faculdade de Economia e Negócios da Universidade Joaquim Chissano, Moçambique
  • Zaida Matola Faculdade de Economia e Negócios da Universidade Joaquim Chissano, Moçambique


Local development fund, Reimbursement, Financed project


The article present results of the master’s thesis in public finance subject to theme evaluation of the level of reimbursement of the district development fund in Marracuene, whose purpose is to assess the level of repayment of amount allocated to borrower of the district development fund. The question that guided the research was “what is the level development fund the district has been reimbursed by borrowers?” to answer this question, have opted for deductive model in a qualitative approach. Using the interpretative paradigm and the research subjects were selected through semi structured interviews. The study brought the following conclusion the level of reimbursement of the development fund in the district is about 10%, considered very low, achieving the objectives associated with the project. Public audit is recommended to verify the failure factors of the FDD.


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How to Cite

Chirrime, M. P. ., & Matola, Z. . (2024). Evaluation of the level of reimbursement of district development fund in Marracuene. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(3), 54–63. Retrieved from https://alba.ac.mz/index.php/alba/article/view/131