Financial inclusion, its importance for regional development. A study applied to the municipalities of the triangle in Bengo


  • Aananias Valentim Universidade Metodista de Angola


Financial system, financial inclusion, regional development.


This research looked at financial inclusion and its importance for regional development. The study was carried out in the municipalities of the Bengo Province triangle (Bula-Atumba, Dembos and Pango- Aluquem). It analyzed the level of financial literacy, the level of financial inclusion and the barriers that exist to the financial inclusion of many citizens. In terms of nature, this research is classified as applied research and in terms of approach, it is classified as mixed qualitative research. In terms of objectives, it is classified as exploratory research, given that it is a subject that has been little explored and the research that has been done has not focused on the province of Bengo and particularly the municipalities of the triangle (Bula-Atumba, Dembos and Pango-Aluquem). Taking into account the technical procedures used, this research is considered to be bibliographical, documentary and a case study. In order to collect the data, we used the BNA website and the INE website to analyze the data presented in their reports, and we interviewed 361 adult citizens living in the seats of the municipalities studied. The data collected, processed and analyzed showed that adult citizens living in the seats of the municipalities have some mastery of certain concepts of financial system variables, but there is still a high level of financial exclusion, contributing negatively to regional development. It is suggested that the government set up bank branches, offer sustainable electricity and improve the telephone communication system and internet services to enable a greater level of financial inclusion and with it the culture of saving and investment.


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Lei nº 14/21 de 19 de Maio. Lei Geral das Instituições Financeiras. Angola., acesso aos 18 de Setembro de 2023 às 11h36 minutos., acesso aos 18 de Setembro de 2023, pelas 13h17 minutos.



How to Cite

Valentim, A. (2024). Financial inclusion, its importance for regional development. A study applied to the municipalities of the triangle in Bengo. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(4), 42–50. Retrieved from