Foreign direct investments (FDI) in the industrial sector in Angola in the creation of new jobs. Period 2020-2022


  • Conceicao da Silva Faria da Silva Universidade Lusíadas de Angola, Angola


Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Industry, Labor


This research has as its general objective “Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in the Industrial Sector in Angola in the Creation of New Jobs. Period 2020-2022”. Supported by the general objective of analyzing the impacts of FDI on the industrial sector; the jobs created by FDI in the Industrial sector; Industrial activities; The regions of FDI allocation in the sector. Data was collected from primary and secondary sources; As for the methodology, we opted for the descriptive method with a quantitative and qualitative approach, and as a data processing tool, Microsoft Excel was used. The results showed that FDI in the industrial sector in the period under analysis was reasonable, highlighted in some industrial activities such as: The construction and operationalization of a 100,000 barrels per day conversion refinery, which obtained a considerable FDI value, following the Manufacturing activities of agricultural inputs including fertilizers, pesticides and other substances necessary for agriculture, with considerable FDI, followed by industrial activities; As for the creation of new jobs, the sector is still insignificant, so it can be considered one of the solutions for reducing unemployment, for the period under analysis FDI in the industrial sector created around jobs for Nationals. Note that FDI in the sector continues to be focused on the oil sector, which could mean that other non-extractive sectors of activity do not advance considerably, and as for the regions of the country that continue to record volume of FDI for the sector, the preference has been more for the capital Luanda.


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How to Cite

Silva, C. da S. F. da. (2024). Foreign direct investments (FDI) in the industrial sector in Angola in the creation of new jobs. Period 2020-2022. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(4), 78–86. Retrieved from