Comparative study of credit granting strategies in the Angolan banking sector. Case: BAI vs BFA (2017 - 2021)


  • Crissolito Evaristo Domingos Inácio Instituto Superior Politécnico Alvorecer da Juventude, Angola


Credit, Strategy, Banking Institutions.


This article's theme is “comparative study of credit granting strategies in the Angolan banking sector with a case study of Banco Angolano de Investimentos and Banco Fomento Angola in a period between 2017-2021”. The initial question was how to compare credit granting strategies to customers taking into account the respective financial products sold? And it was answered through the refuted hypothesis that the comparative strategies of the credit granting policy between BAI and BFA do not affect the interest rate, the type of financial product that the bank makes available on the market, the credit recovery period, as well as clientele. segmentation. Bibliographical research was used, which helped in the development of keywords that were part of the theoretical foundation thanks to the publication of several authors who addressed the same concepts and historical method that facilitated us in obtaining information regarding the historical emergence of the same banks and the descriptive with qualitative and quantitative approach. The techniques used that facilitated the operation of the same methods were documentary, which helped in the search for information contained in bank reports, and statistics, which facilitated the creation of tables and graphs contained in the dissertation. Likewise, the evolution of the granting of credits was analyzed during the five-year period under study, where it was found that BFA granted a greater amount of credits in relation to BAI in the total value of 378,082.40 billion Kzs while BAI granted an amount of 1,915 billion.


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How to Cite

Inácio, C. E. D. (2024). Comparative study of credit granting strategies in the Angolan banking sector. Case: BAI vs BFA (2017 - 2021). ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(4), 87–95. Retrieved from