The relationship between politics and science as a lever for economic development


  • Luís Cipriano Manuel UPM


This article focuses on the topic: The Relationship between politics and science as a lever for economic development. Its general objective is to analyze the relationships between public policy and science, considering their differences, interdependence and complementarity, to promote sustainable economic development. The method used was genealogical. In Needham's view (1964), history shows that the relationship between scientific theories and governments and politicians is quite complex and evolved. However, it is extremely important to study this relationship, as it affects investment decisions in scientific research, the use of scientific theories in public policy and the possibility of studying the social and economic impacts of scientific discoveries. The expected result is to improve investment in scientific research that boosts the production of knowledge and new scientific discoveries that can bring benefits to the country, improving its quality of life, the efficiency and effectiveness of public policies and contributing to an increase in GDP.


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How to Cite

Manuel, L. C. . (2024). The relationship between politics and science as a lever for economic development. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(5), 91–102. Retrieved from