Private Equity and Corporate Sustainability: Perspectives and Challenges for Mozambique
Private equity, Sustainability, Mozambique, Tax Incentives, SDGsAbstract
This study evaluates the impact of private equity (PE) on Mozambique's sustainable economic development, highlighting the relevance of the topic and framing the challenges, opportunities, and strategies to maximize the benefits of this investment model. Conducted with a mixed-methods approach, the research identified energy, agriculture, and technology as priority sectors, with energy leading in economic impact. Barriers such as political instability, lack of transparency, and limited infrastructure were analyzed as constraints to attracting investors. Key recommendations include the implementation of a more favorable regulatory environment, creation of tax incentives aligned with international best practices, and strengthening public-private partnerships. Reflection on the results indicates that effective structural reforms can enhance the potential of PE to foster inclusive growth and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The study also underscores the significant impact of this approach on advancing scientific knowledge and benefiting Mozambican society.
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