Gender inequality in sesame crop production in the Mocuba district
Inequality, Gender, Sesame.Abstract
Gender inequality is one of the most persistent challenges in the agricultural sector, especially in regions where agriculture is the main source of livelihood and income. This research aimed to analyze gender inequality in sesame production in Mocuba. This is an empirical study, using cross-sectional data collected through a questionnaire at the Mugeba administrative post in May and June 2023, based on the simple random sampling method. The sample size was 94 producers. The research results indicate: men have higher education (7th grade versus 5th grade), operate larger areas (up to 12 ha versus 5 ha for women) and produce more (200 kg versus 131 kg); only 5.6% of women have access to agricultural mechanization, while 69% of men use improved seeds, versus 53.8% of women. These inequalities reflect barriers in access to resources and technologies, impacting female productivity. In view of this, it is recommended that agricultural policy makers adopt capacity building programs aimed at improving production efficiency and access to agricultural inputs and technologies in order to increase sesame production levels.
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