Flood risk mapping in informal settlements: case of the Inhagoia “A” neighborhood in the city of Maputo
Flood risk, Mapping, Urban networkAbstract
This work addresses the importance of scientific research in the area of flood risk, demonstrating how this knowledge can be applied to benefit society in multiple dimensions due to the fact that large cities in Mozambique are experiencing clear examples of the impact of climate change, which is leading to worsening flood patterns. The Inhagoia ‘A’ neighbourhood faces several challenges related to its fabric, including the occupation of areas at risk of flooding and the loss of green areas that has occurred over time as a result of urban sprawl without accompanying land-use planning instruments. The risk of flooding in these areas is increasing. The aim of this study is to map areas at risk of flooding in the Inhagóia ‘A’ neighbourhood in the city of Maputo, in order to raise residents' awareness of how to occupy them, and to answer the following research question: how can environmental education influence changes in the occupation of space in the neighbourhood? In order to achieve the expected results, quantitative and qualitative analysis, a bibliographical review and hydrological modelling were applied, and it was found that the urban fabric of the neighbourhood directly influences the cyclical occurrence of flooding in the neighbourhood. The research reveals a relationship between the structure of the urban fabric (level of planning) and vulnerability to flooding, considering the relationship to the presence of a higher level of urbanisation.
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