The Impact of Branding on Macunga Brand Socialization


  • Emílio Herculano Nhamposse


Marketing Branding, Socialization, Brands


With the market becoming increasingly competitive, companies are focused on reaching their target audience, aiming to establish mental connections and elevate the perception of their brands. However, associating a brand with a single differential is no longer sufficient, as it can be easily copied by competitors, going unnoticed by consumers. Successful brands concentrate on deeply engaging consumers, establishing emotional connections and fostering long-lasting relationships. In this study, we investigate the impact of branding on consumer socialization with the Macunga brand. We conducted a questionnaire with 10 brand customers to understand their profile, perception of the brand, factors influencing their purchasing decisions, and brand loyalty. Employing an exploratory approach and a qualitative-oriented case study design, we analyze how branding affects consumer-brand relationships. The findings thus far underscore the importance of effective brand management for Macunga. It becomes evident that establishing a strong connection with the target audience, enhancing brand perception, and ensuring prompt association with the product in consumers' minds are crucial. This information is vital for guiding future strategies, strengthening Macunga's brand positioning, and increasing engagement with the target audience. Understanding the impact of branding on consumer socialization is essential for the success and sustainability of the brand in a highly competitive market.


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How to Cite

Nhamposse, E. H. (2023). The Impact of Branding on Macunga Brand Socialization . ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(1), 13–21. Retrieved from