The new institutional economy in lusophony comparative study between aAngola, São Tome and Principe and Mozambique


  • Maria Helena Catarina Bicudo Abdul Universidade Sâo Tomás de Moçambique, Moçambique


Institutions, Lusophony, New economy


This article aimed to understand the scenario of socio-economic institutions in Portuguese-speaking countries, essentially Angola, São Tomé and Príncipe and Mozambique. Additionally, we seek to identify challenges and opportunities for improving institutions and strengthening a more resilient, innovative and sustainable economy in these countries. In methodological terms, a bibliographic study was adopted, a literary review was carried out, of several contemporary national and international authors, official documents that culminated in a content analysis methodology. The results revealed that institutions play a fundamental role in economic relations, facilitating the choices of decision makers. Sustainable economic growth is the result of inclusive political and economic institutions. The reality of the countries studied (Angola, São Tomé Principe and Mozambique) is characterized by similarities in terms of assessment of the socioeconomic situation. Precarious living conditions of the population are noted. Concluding that the institutions are deficient, prevailing corruption, weak intervention by judicial bodies, poor access to basic services such as education, health, difficult access to housing for the young population. Some initiatives to improve the realities of these countries would include strengthening the judicial system and becoming more independent from the executive branch, promoting decentralization in different aspects and strengthening institutions for controlling and combating corruption.


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How to Cite

Abdul, M. H. C. B. (2024). The new institutional economy in lusophony comparative study between aAngola, São Tome and Principe and Mozambique. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(3), 73–82. Retrieved from