Business sustainability in Mozambique: The predictive measurement of environmental impact and results and business ethics in decision making based on ESG criteria


  • Paulo Alberto Uache Universidade São Tomás de Moçambique
  • Raimundo Alfandega Mateco Universidade Joaquim Chissano, Maputo, Moçambique
  • Nilton S. Formiga Ecossistema Ânima/ Universidade Potiguar, Brasil


Sustainability, predictability, ESG.


In recent years, corporate sustainability has become increasingly crucial for organizations in response to the growing awareness of environmental preservation and social responsibility. Companies have the opportunity to adopt measures aimed at sustainable development, ensuring the longevity of their businesses and contributing to a better world, as defined by the United Nations Global Compact. This definition emphasizes the importance of corporate sustainability in economic, environmental, and social dimensions. A quantitative, descriptive, exploratory, and correlational study was conducted, involving employees of Mozambican companies and Mozambican citizens. The research was carried out individually through electronic questionnaires, demonstrating the relationship between corporate sustainability, impact, ethics in business, and ESG decision-making. The results indicate that corporate sustainability, impact, and business ethics positively influence ESG decision-making. Multicollinearity does not significantly affect the estimates, demonstrating the model's reliability. This work makes a significant contribution to the ESG field, encouraging organizations to adopt more responsible and impactful strategies aligned with ESG principles in pursuit of a more sustainable and ethical future.


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How to Cite

Uache, P. A., Mateco, R. A. ., & Formiga, N. S. . (2024). Business sustainability in Mozambique: The predictive measurement of environmental impact and results and business ethics in decision making based on ESG criteria. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(4), 224–232. Retrieved from