Interuniversity cooperation in Mozambique: recurring cases from higher education institutions


  • Apolónia Marília Cláudia António Seifana Instituto Superior de Formação, Investigação e Ciência, Moçambique


Interuniversity Cooperation, Higher Education Institutions, Forms of Cooperation.


This study investigates the most recurrent forms of inter-university cooperation in Mozambique, with the aim of identifying established partnerships, their impacts and challenges faced by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the country. The methodology adopted was a mixed approach, combining a bibliographic review and questionnaires carried out with key representatives of different HEIs in Mozambique. The results revealed that cooperation is a present reality, with emphasis on collaborative research projects and university extension partnerships. These partnerships were associated with benefits such as enriching students' academic experience, strengthening research and innovation activities, as well as promoting the internationalization of institutions. However, the study also identified challenges, including financial difficulties, bureaucratic barriers and infrastructure limitations. Finally, the article highlights the importance of inter-university cooperation to boost academic excellence, innovation and the resolution of social challenges in Mozambique. It is recommended to establish collaboration networks and encourage the exchange of professors and researchers to further strengthen partnerships between HEIs in the country.


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How to Cite

Seifana, A. M. C. A. (2024). Interuniversity cooperation in Mozambique: recurring cases from higher education institutions. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(4), 147–155. Retrieved from