Impact of Digital Marketing on intra SADC Export Performance: 2012-2022
Commercial protocol, Digital marketing, Intra SADC exports, Panel data regression, SADC.Abstract
In the context of regional cooperation, the SADC countries signed the Regional Trade Protocol in August 1996, Maseru - Lesotho. In this context, this research aims to analyze the impact of Digital Marketing on intra SADC export performance. Panel data regression models of exports between the 16 SADC member countries from 2012 to 2022 were used to assess the impact. Data on intra SADC exports was obtained from the website and data on the Internet from the website The results indicate that the number of Internet users and the number of mobile network subscribers have a positive and significant impact on intra SADC exports; when the number of Internet users increases by 1%, the volume of exports increases by 0.765%; when the number of mobile network subscribers increases by 1%, the volume of exports increases by 1.267%. Paradoxically, broadband coverage has a negative and significant impact on export performance; when the population covered by broadband increases by 1%, the volume of exports decreases by 0.447%. Based on the results, it is concluded that digital marketing has impact on the performance of intra SADC exports.
Keywords: Commercial protocol, Digital marketing, Intra SADC exports, Panel data regression, SADC.
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