Model of sociological representation in politics in Mozambique: an interlocution between theory and practice
This article reflects on the Model of Sociological Representation in Politics in Mozambique, based on an Interlocution between Theory and Practice. Based on the qualitative approach, it was possible to capture perceptions and opinions of research participants and examined them in light of the authors read. We used bibliographic and documentary research techniques and interviews, which helped us to deepen our knowledge of the topic. Likewise, we opted for a non-probability sampling of 15 intentional subjects, among university professors and public employees working in various institutions, private and public. The study understands that sociological representation is the way in which individuals, a collective group or even a society have a view on a given issue or matter. Therefore, to make sociological representation real in Mozambican politics, the mirror or sociological model must be taken into account, as it is based on the popular will. Likewise, to be a representative in a parliamentary seat, the condition cannot only be belonging to a specific party affiliation, but also being a national citizen, where you can submit a project and candidacy proposal. Furthermore, democratic insufficiency is the failure of the State's political and governance functioning system. In order for there to be effective sociological representation in Mozambique, in addition to the mirror or sociological model, representatives must be guided by meritocratic transparency, which means assisting the rapid and independent functioning of justice, sharing common causes and objectives, taking care of and diligently caring for the soil homeland.
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