Changes in the Ethical Principles of Education in Mozambique: From Traditional to Modernity
educational ethics, cultural values, ethical crisisAbstract
The study examines the transformations in the ethical principles of education in Mozambique, exploring the tension between traditional values and the demands of modernity, with a critical analysis of the impact of the colonial legacy on the current education system. It seeks to understand how, after independence, Mozambican education tries to balance local practices and external influences to form ethical and responsible citizens. The qualitative research is based on documentary analysis and bibliographic review of authors such as Castiano, Ngoenha and e Berthoud (2013), Golias (1993), Mazula (1995) and Gonçalves (2018), highlighting the ethical evolution of education in the country. The results reveal that, despite the efforts of cultural rescue, the educational system still presents marks of colonialism, resulting in an ethical crisis that harms the formation of young people. The devaluation of values of collectivity and solidarity was identified, favoring corrupt practices and contributing to the discouragement of the new generations. The study underlines the need for a comprehensive educational reform that integrates traditional knowledge with global demands, promoting ethical and civic education. It is concluded that the educational system must be transformed to develop critical, ethical individuals committed to the collective good, enhancing positive impacts on society and scientific production. Thus, an education that goes beyond technical education is defended, valuing a transformative educational ethic.
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