USTM – 19 Years Later: Achievements, Challenges, and Perspectives in the Teaching and Learning Process


  • Stélio Bila Universidade São Tomás de Moçambique, Moçambique


Adaptation, Achievements, Institutional development, Organizational Resilience, Educational transformation; Institutional Theory


The São Tomás University of Mozambique (USTM) is situated in a constantly evolving educational environment, representing a central pillar in the Mozambican post-independence educational scenario. Despite its relevance, there is a gap in the literature addressing the intersection of USTM with Institutional Theory and Organizational Resilience Theory, and how this influences its trajectory and educational practices. In this sense, this research aims to analyze the trajectory of USTM, considering isomorphic pressures and its resilience capacity in the face of adversities, allowing a deeper understanding of its role and impact in Mozambique. For this purpose, a qualitative analysis was conducted, anchored in literature reviews, and proposed theories, although quantitative details and specific hypotheses were not adequately outlined, as it is an exploratory study. Nevertheless, Rstudio was used as an analysis tool for manipulating relevant data. Preliminary results demonstrate USTM's remarkable adaptability and innovation in the face of challenges, establishing itself as a key institution in Mozambique, balancing international standards with local realities. Therefore, by integrating principles from Institutional Theory and Organizational Resilience, USTM stands as an example of adaptability and innovation in higher education in Mozambique, deserving ongoing attention and further investigation to ensure its continued sustainability and impact.


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How to Cite

Bila, S. (2024). USTM – 19 Years Later: Achievements, Challenges, and Perspectives in the Teaching and Learning Process. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(3), 155–169. Retrieved from