Analysis of the contribution of the Banking Sector: incidences of Commercial Credits for Angola's economic growth
Keywords: Banking Sector, Trade Credits, Economic Growth.Abstract
Banking Sector According to Franklin Allen and Douglas Gale “financial systems are crucial to the allocation of resources in a modern economy. They channel household savings to the productive sector and allocate investment funds between firms”. After these considerations, the present research appears in order to analyze the incidence of the concession of commercial credits for the economic growth of Angola in the period of 2003-2022. This same research was based on the modern empirical literature where we formulated an econometric model that enabled us to verify the relationship between the variables linked to our research. Therefore, we had as a result that the contribution of trade credits to Angola's economic growth is not significant, due to its numerical dimension. Because with a variation of 1% it will increase the GDP in the order of 0.3571%. And for the realization of this monograph work, descriptive and quantitative methods were used, as well as bibliographical, documental and statistical techniques that helped us in carrying out this end-of-course work.
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