Education and development: new thought and new purposes for Education in Angola.


  • Augusto Lunganga Universidade Kimpa Vita, Angola


Education, Development, Public policy, Ethics and Rationality


Our research aims to contribute to a reflection on the need for reform of educational policies in Angola. Now the problem we raise in this investigation is related to the possibility of inadequacy of political discourses and the results of education/training defined by public policies.

Our conclusions indicate that we must instigate, promote and create structures to liberate young people, creating prospects for successful social insertion, build an Education based on trust and responsibility in cooperation with the world of work in ways that can guarantee a quality based on direction rather than control, on the other hand, that learning comes throughout life and in different situations and that everyone can study until their death and that values personality, creativity, ethics, morality and talents in the teaching process.


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How to Cite

Lunganga, A. (2023). Education and development: new thought and new purposes for Education in Angola . ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(2), 129–140. Retrieved from