Management of the reactivation of the Public Laboratory of High Voltage Technique at Eduardo Mondlane


  • Anacleto João Albino Universidade São Tomás de Moçambique - USTM
  • Fernando Hausse Chachaia Universidade São Tomás de Moçambique – Escola de Pós Graduação, Moçambiqu


Assessing the quality of high voltage equipment is extremely important in power systems. This assessment must be carried out in properly equipped laboratory environments. The current research aims to: reactivate the high voltage laboratory of the electrical engineering department, to allow adaptation of the teaching and learning process in the subjects of the electrical engineering course, and not only, also for high voltage tests in data which will allow the definition of the general situation of existing equipment, which made it possible to size high voltage generators for current tests on industrial equipment, whose applicability is for power systems. Thus, through continuous research work carried out in the laboratory, alternate, continuous and impulsive collection was carried out. The completion of this work used quantitative-experimental research, where PSCAD and MATLAB simulators were used to analyze the conformity of the sized generators. The laboratory parameters obtained in the research will improve the performance of routine tests using higher voltages of alternating currents, to investigate the behavior of the insulation dielectric using direct and impulsive current voltages, which are the most common simulations to test the capacity of equipment. in power systems to withstand overvoltages from impulsive voltages. Thus, the generators obtained in simulations based on MATLAB present standardized results to be used in laboratory classes and also as a field of investigation for equipment in electricity companies in the country.


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How to Cite

Albino, A. J. ., & Chachaia, F. H. . (2024). Management of the reactivation of the Public Laboratory of High Voltage Technique at Eduardo Mondlane . ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(3), 177–184. Retrieved from