Preparation in the development of teacher skills institute of police and criminal sciences in Luanda


  • Noé Sozinho Universidade Agostinho Neto, Angola


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This article addresses teacher preparation in the development of teacher skills: A case study at the higher institute of police and criminal sciences in Luanda. Each year, while carrying out our duties, we constantly come across teachers who have difficulties in transmitting knowledge. Taking into account pedagogical principles. A reality that leads to poor scientific production and poor performance by cadets. The objective of this research focuses on presenting strategies to overcome the current reality at the institute. This is a study with a qualitative approach. The technique that was used is in-depth interview. The data was processed taking into account data analysis. The research concluded that the development of teaching competence is an ongoing process that requires constant effort on the part of teachers. Teacher preparation is a fundamental step towards developing teacher competence. teachers must be subject to constant monitoring and monitoring in order to improve teaching activities. We are stuck in the century of uncertainty, changes that force us to rethink new paths. The educational process is no exception. The development of a country is based on the parameters of the quality of education. Hence it is stated that one cannot imagine a future for humanity without educators. Therefore, teaching preparation at the higher institute of police and criminal sciences in Luanda must be focused on the development of the specific skills necessary to teach in the police and criminal area.


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How to Cite

Sozinho, N. (2024). Preparation in the development of teacher skills institute of police and criminal sciences in Luanda. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(3), 170–176. Retrieved from