Impact Of Workers’ Absence in the provision of quality services in organizations: a case study of the Corredor Logístico e Integrado De Nacala


  • NELSON MUSSA Instituto Superior Gestão, Comercio e Finanças, Moçambique
  • Dércio dos Santos Teresa Abreu


Absenteeism from work, Provision of Quality Services, Motivation


The present work proposes to analyze the “Impact of Workers' Absenteeism in the Provision of Quality Services in organizations: a case study of the Logistic Corridor of Nacala”. Absenteeism is the absence of the worker in the workplace. Absenteeism is complex and may derive from different causes, and one of them is related to the attitude of the workers' direct leaders and the way they treat their subordinates. The general objective of the work was: To understand the impact of absenteeism from work on the provision of quality services provided to Corredor Logístico e Integrado de Nacala. To answer the objective, the following starting question was posed: what is the impact of absenteeism on the part of workers in the provision of quality services to the company Corredor Logístico e Integrado de Nacala? To carry out the study, qualitative, descriptive and field research was adopted, and for data collection we used a semi-structured interview with ten workers from different functions, among them: Machinists, Machinist's Assistants, Process Control Technicians, Supervisors and Human Resources.


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How to Cite

MUSSA, N., & Abreu, D. dos S. T. . (2024). Impact Of Workers’ Absence in the provision of quality services in organizations: a case study of the Corredor Logístico e Integrado De Nacala. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(3), 83–94. Retrieved from