Taxation lessons: meaning and perspectives in higher education, given the Mozambican tax system
This article seeks to point out the elements that limit a more in-depth teaching of taxation subjects, therefore, to reflect on the way in which taxation learning is achieved, in the Mozambican context. The discipline is dedicated to the study of taxes that apply in a given territorial space as well as the set of laws and administrative regulations that make up the tax system. In Mozambique, this subject is essentially taught in higher education institutions with the aim of educating students on the state's financial activity, its importance among economic operators and the State, as well as on declaratory obligations related to the system's main taxes. tax. The results reveal that the workload is small for the proposed study plan, essentially for the Mozambican tax system, as it is extensive and quite complex, meaning that even with a lot of effort, it is not an easy task for curriculum planners and teachers, dealing with the teaching and learning process of this subject. All of this leads us to the conclusion that, if good pedagogical planning is not improved, it can result in ineffective training, with significant impacts on a personal, professional, business and State level, as the trainees do not master the taxes, economic agents will not have better declarations of their income and taxes to pay, and the State will not collect taxes at the appropriate level to meet the needs of the community.
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