Scientific production in Mozambique in the period 1993-2019: a scientometric analysis


  • Tiago Guilherme Devesse Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - UEM, Moçambique
  • Horácio Francisco Zimba Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - UEM, Moçambique
  • Nelson Casimiro Zavale Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - UEM, Moçambique


Co-authorship, Mozambique, Scientific publications, Scopus, Scientific visibility.


This study aims to carry out a scientometric analysis of the scientific production in Mozambique published in journals indexed in the Scopus database in the period 1993-2019.  The specific objectives are: to analyze the production, productivity, visibility and internal scientific collaboration of authors from Mozambique from the period 1993-2019. 3661 publications from Mozambique were retrieved from the Scopus database. The scientometric analysis consisted of applying Bradford's, Lotka's and Price's laws, the latter adjusted by the criteria proposed by this study, and the use of two Social Network Analysis software, namely UCINET 6.774 and VOSviewer 1.6.20. The results show that the health area was the most productive in Mozambique with 2647 (72%) publications, with the highest number of citations received 108374 (52%); the most cited work was Lozano (2012), published in The Lancet magazine, which received 9924 (5%) citations; the most productive magazine of the period was Plos One and the most productive institution in Mozambique was UEM with 1720 (47%) publications. The results also show that between 50% and 88% of members of the elites, with contractual ties with research institutions in Mozambique, occupy an intermediate (peripheral) position in the production of science itself, that is, they are neither the main authors nor the most important scientists in the reseach projects. Internal scientific collaboration obtained through social network analysis software has a density of 12.63%, which reveals a low level of internal collaboration among elites in research institutions in Mozambique.


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How to Cite

Devesse, T. G., Zimba, H. F. ., & Zavale, N. C. . (2025). Scientific production in Mozambique in the period 1993-2019: a scientometric analysis. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(6), 186–199. Retrieved from