Illegal Immigration, Violence, and Human Rights in Mozambique
Illegal immigration, vulnerability, violence and human rights.Abstract
Illegal immigration has been a major problem for the provision of inclusive services in the area of migration, creating challenges of stability and state control. This is a scenario with an international dimension and each geographical area has its own specificities. The article focuses on illegal immigration in the province of Tete, analyzing the issue of violence related to illegal migration in the province of Cabo Delgado. In this study we have given priority to addressing the factors of illegal immigration and its influence on violence in the context of human rights. Methodologically, the research followed a qualitative approach, using interviews and documentary analysis in various dimensions. The study found that the factors contributing to the increase in illegal immigration in the province of Tete Sapo are similar to those reported by other studies in the province of Cabo Delgado; however, the issue of violence and human rights violations is not only associated with illegal migration, but rather to the economic contexts faced by legal immigrants, such as social vulnerability, poverty and the search for employment or the practice of illicit acts for subsistence, which can often be related to the natural resources existing in the provinces of Cabo Delgado and Tete.
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