Transfers and Mobility of Staff in the Public Sector: Case of the Office of the Secretary of the State of Sofala (2020-2022)
Transfer, Staff Mobility, Public Sector.Abstract
The article is the result of research into “transfers and staff mobility in the public sector: the case of the Office of the Secretary of State of Sofala (2020-2022)”. Through the use of qualitative methodology, the work aims to understand the dynamics of transfers and staff mobility in this place. Among the different results, it was found that between 2020 and 2022 there was a high rate of staff transfers and mobility due to the growing need for staff in various sectors across the country, motivated by the lack of open tenders. There are various reasons cited by officials as the basis for their moves, including the need to settle in the provincial capitals, sector initiatives and salaries that are considered low when compared to the sectors to which officials tend to move. On the one hand, the most common reasons for transferring are social problems (marriage and family) and the work environment. On the other hand, for mobility cases, the reasons have been motivation, salary difference and professional development. Finally, the research found that transfers and staff mobility have both positive and negative impacts, including a reduction in the number of employees and the loss of knowledge in one sector, and the addition of employees and knowledge in another sector.
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