Impact of managing sustainable académic events: challenges and perspectives


  • José Machado ISFIC


Academic events, sustainable development, challenges, perspectives


The article analyzes the impact of managing sustainable académic events, highlighting the challenges and perspectives. Académic events have generated negative impacts on the environment, but sustainable management appears to mitigate these effects. Events play a fundamental role in promoting research and académic interaction, minimizing environmental impact through ecological practices. The research identified challenges: resistance to change, high initial costs, lack of awareness about sustainable practices and institutional barriers. Overcoming these obstacles requires awareness, education and designing pro-sustainability institutional policies. The prospects are great as climate change awareness and widespread use of technology make it easier to monitor and reduce resource consumption. Encourages institutions to adopt sustainable practices at académic events, providing a healthy environment. Impact of sustainable practices: reduction of environmental impact, financial savings, promotion of the reputation of the educational institution and education on sustainability.


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How to Cite

Machado, J. E. (2024). Impact of managing sustainable académic events: challenges and perspectives. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(3), 207–213. Retrieved from