Scientific production of the Health Research Center of Manhiça published in Scopus in 1996-2019


  • Tiago Guilherme Devesse Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - UEM, Moçambique
  • Horácio Francisco Zimba Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - UEM, Moçambique
  • Nelson Casimiro Zavale Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - UEM, Moçambique


Bradford's Law, Elite of authors, Lotka's Law, Manhiça Health Research Center, Price's Law, Scientific productivity.


This study aims to carry out a centometric analysis of the scientific production of the Centro de Investigação em Saúde de Manhiça in the period from 1996 to 2019, published in Scopus. Foram recovered 635 articles from this center, published by a total of 25,992 authors, in 156 journals in the health area indexed in Scopus. After applying non-Excel filters and eliminating duplicate names, we now have 635 articles actually published by 6,082 authors. Applying to Lei de Bradford, we determined a nucleus of three most productive journals: Malaria Journal, Plos One and The Lancet, with 67 (10.55%), 66 (10.39%) and 31 (4.88%) published articles, respectively. To evaluate the productivity of two 6,082 authors, it was applied to Lotka's Lei, followed by a test of Kolmogorov-Smirnov, with a significance level a = 0.01. The test revealed that the distribution of 6,082 authors to their production levels was not consistent with this law. The application of Price's Lei, adjusted to the criteria suggested by this study, allowed us to identify an elite of 145 (0.56%) authors, who produced a total of 610 (96.0%) articles. A search in the databases Scopus, Google and Google Academic for the names and titles of their publications revealed that, two 145 members of the elite, only 14 (9.66%) have contractual links with the Centro de Investigação em Saúde de Manhiça. Furthermore, these 14 authors occupy intermediate positions more than 75% of the time in the classificative lists of co-authorship of their scientific productions, which suggests that their degree of involvement in scientific research was predominantly peripheral.


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How to Cite

Devesse, T. G., Zimba, H. F. ., & Zavale, N. C. . (2025). Scientific production of the Health Research Center of Manhiça published in Scopus in 1996-2019. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(6), 212–223. Retrieved from