Scientific visibility of Eduardo Mondlane University in the period 1993-2019


  • Tiago Guilherme Devesse Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - UEM, Moçambique
  • Horácio Francisco Zimba Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - UEM, Moçambique
  • Nelson Casimiro Zavale Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - UEM, Moçambique


Citations, Co-authorship, Impact Factor, Scientific publications. UEM.


This research aims to examine the scientific visibility of UEM based on the number of citations received by each publication and determining the impact of UEM's scientific productions published in newspapers indexed in the Scopus database in the period 1993-2019. The specific objectives are: to determine, by research area, the number of citations received by each publication and the Impact Factor of the journal where each most cited work was published. 1720 UEM publications from different scientific areas were retrieved from the Scopus database, counting the co-authors of each work and the respective number of citations received. Bibliometric analysis through citation analysis allowed us to conclude that 2012 was the year of greatest scientific visibility for UEM publications, in which 24684 (28.62%) citations were received. The most cited area in the period under analysis was Health with 71819 (83.3%) citations. This is followed by the areas of Natural Resources and Environment with 5884 (6.8%) and Culture, Society and Education with 3738 (4.3%) citations. This study also found that UEM's publications in The Lancet magazine were what raised the scientific visibility of this institution and the credibility of the magazine, the research subject and the number of co-authors of the published document seem to have played an important role in the receptivity by the scientific community of UEM publications from the period 1993-2019.


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How to Cite

Devesse, T. G., Zimba, H. F. ., & Zavale, N. C. . (2025). Scientific visibility of Eduardo Mondlane University in the period 1993-2019. ALBA - ISFIC RESEARCH AND SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1(6), 224–229. Retrieved from